
Dispute, Resolved: Mediation Services, provides clients with an alternative of either:

(a)  full day mediation option (seven hours) in the sum of $2,100 plus GST, with the cost being shared equally between the parties; or

(b) a half day mediation option (three and a half hours) in the sum of $1,050 plus GST, with the cost being shared equally between the parties.

Dispute, Resolved: Mediation Services charges $300 plus GST per hour for reading the parties supplied paperwork and materials in preparation for the mediation, with the cost being shared equally between the parties.

Should the parties choose a face to face in person mediation session, the cost of the mediation conference room fee in Sydney CBD (or for the parties’ convenience, at an alternative location mutually agreed between the partes) is charged ‘at cost’ to the parties, with the cost being shared equally between the parties.

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